About Executing Eichmann
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
1h 0m
Directed by Florence Jammot • Documentary • 2014 • 60 minutes
On December 15, 1961 in Jerusalem, Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death for crimes against the Jewish people and against humanity. While this judgment was met with consensus on a national level, some spoke out against it. On May 29, 1962, a group of Holocaust survivors and intellectuals, including philosophers Hugo Bergmann, Martin Buber and Gershom Scholem, rejected an epilogue to the trial they believed was inappropriate and sent a petition to President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi to demand Eichmann's death sentence be commuted. By opposing Eichmann's execution, they raised questions about the Holocaust, and also defended the values of Judaism, raising questions about Jewish morality for Israel and the nature of a Jewish State. Historians, philosophers, and Israeli eyewitnesses set out the facts, go over the philosophical arguments, and return to a debate that, while central to that era, remains valid today and deserves to be revisited.
Up Next in International Holocaust Remembrance Day
When Memory Comes: A Film About Saul ...
Directed by Frank Diamand • Documentary • 2012 • 65 minutes
WHEN MEMORY COMES: A FILM ABOUT SAUL FRIEDLANDER is a visually arresting documentary that interweaves leading Holocaust historian Saul Friedlander's personal story of survival with an introduction to his work and thought.
Originally a ...
Harbour of Hope
Directed by Magnus Gertten • Documentary • With Irene Krausz-Fainman • 2013 • 76 minutes
In Spring 1945 Red Cross liberated thousands of concentration camp survivors and rescued them to the Malmö Harbour, Sweden. Among the thousands of survivors brought to Malmö were Irene Krausz-Fainman, Ewa Ka...
Hotel Terminus - Part II
Directed by Marcel Ophuls • Documentary • 1988 • 107 minutes
"Making this film was like an intense fight for the survival of memory itself."—Marcel Ophuls
A brilliant and epic Academy Award-winning examination of the Nazi SS officer Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon", HOTEL TERMINUS: ...