Black Lives
1h 27m
Directed by Spencer Wolff • Documentary • With David Ourlicht, Michael Bloomberg, Ray Kelly • 2014 • 87 minutes
Leaving OVID on 9/30!
The feature length documentary STOP follows three years in the life of David Ourlicht, one of the four named plaintiffs in Floyd vs. City of New York. By interweaving the story of David's family with the action around the trial, STOP places the stop and frisk controversy in the context of a long history of civil rights. From David's Jewish grandfather, who describes being arrested in Greenwich Village on his first date with David's grandmother, an African-American woman, to David's biracial father, Italian-American mother, and mixed race sister, the Ourlicht family offers a powerful backdrop to the flashpoint issue of stop and frisk. The film asks: Must we trade safety for civil rights?
From interviews with the lead attorneys bringing in the case, to police officers who defend the practice, to the law professor who wrote the expert report, to coverage of Mayor Bloomberg and Police Chief Ray Kelly, STOP paints a picture of a city divided. Then the trial begins. From the rallies, to the press conferences, to the day David testifies, to closing statements and CCR's celebratory party, STOP offers a behind the scenes look at the trial, and gives a history of an era of intense political battles that the City of New York will never forget.
Up Next in Black Lives
Kehinde Wiley: An Economy of Grace
Directed by Jeff Dupre • Documentary • With Kehinde Wiley • 2014 • 40 minutes
The artist behind Barack Obama’s presidential portrait, Kehinde Wiley is known for his vibrant, larger-than-life reinterpretations of classical portraits featuring young Black men. “Kehinde Wiley: An Economy of Grace” ...
The Shooting on Mole Street
Directed by Mosco Boucault • Documentary • 1998 • 90 minutes
On March 1, 1996, 15-year-old Shafeeq Murrel was killed on the street in South Philadelphia — innocently caught in the crossfire between rival pairs of crack dealers out for revenge. Shafeeq’s murder was one of 435 in Philadelphia that...
We Are The Radical Monarchs
Directed by Linda Goldstein Knowlton • Documentary • 2018 • 86 minutes
Set in Oakland, a city with a deep history of social justice movements, WE ARE THE RADICAL MONARCHS documents the Radical Monarchs - an alternative to the Scout movement for girls of color, aged 8-13. Its members earn badges ...