Al Djanat, the Original Paradise
Black Lives
1h 24m
Directed by Chloé Aïcha BORO • Documentary • 2023 • 83 minutes
When her uncle dies, Chloé Aïcha Boro films the courtyard at the family house in Burkina Faso, where communal meetings and prayers have been held. Some of the heirs lay claim to it under French law, whereas others believe they can preserve the emblematic function of the courtyard, which had been handed down to them in the oral tradition. Observing the situation, the film broadens the perspective, giving us a glimpse of a society frequently facing the conflict between official law and customary law. Since she now lives in France, the filmmaker also questions her own status, and raises questions that make this all the more timely.
Up Next in Black Lives
When A Farm Goes Aflame
Directed by Jide Tom Akinleminu • Documentary • 2021 • 112 minutes
A young Nigerian leaves his village at the end of the 1960s and goes to Denmark to study. There he meets his future wife. Together they move to Nigeria and start a family. But 16 years later, circumstances in a politically tense ...
The Prison Promise
Directed by Joseph Ndjom • Documentary • 2021 • 55 minutes
Detyr and his partner Adele exchanged a promise while they were still prisoners — to make their life together once released. Now established in the village of Nkonga (Cameroon), their desire to marry faces opposition from Detyr's family.
James Baldwin: From Another Place
Directed by Sedat Pakay • Documentary • With James Baldwin • 1973 • 12 minutes
Set in Istanbul, the film opens with a surprisingly candid scene of Baldwin leisurely awakening in his bedroom. Sedat Pakay, a Turkish filmmaker who studied with Walker Evans, is known for his photographic portraits o...