Dreams of Ice
Directed by Ignacio Agüero • Documentary • 1993 • 55 minutes
Like Moby Dick’s Ishmael, a sailor takes a ship and goes from Antarctica to Spain, in a trip that transports an iceberg to Seville for the World Fair of 1992. In this voyage, mysterious things will happen, making him a victim of the hidden forces of icebergs. Dreams of ice is a song of love to the fragility of Nature and the human being.
Up Next in Chile
Family Life
Directed by Alicia Scherson, Cristián Jiménez • Drama • With Jorge Becker, Gabriela Aranciba, Cristían Carvajal, Blanca Lewin
• 2017 • 81 minutesWhen a married couple decides to move to France with their young daughter for a few months, they ask a distant cousin, Martín, to housesit and take c...
The First Year
Directed by Patricio Guzmán • Documentary • 2023 • 96 minutes
THE FIRST YEAR is a jubilant record of the 12 months following the election of Chile’s first socialist president, Salvador Allende. Director Patricio Guzmán travels the country, meeting workers who no longer have to answer to the capr...
Directed by Christopher Murray, Josefina Buschmann, Israel Pimental • Documentary • 2019 • 124 minutes
A cinematic mosaic depicting Pope Francis’ 2018 visit to Chile, God explores the constant tension between the social creation of God in different communities and the tensions that define modern...