Waiting for Fidel
Classic Documentaries
Directed by Michael Rubbo • Documentary • 1974 • 57 minutes
Inside Fidel Castro's Cuba with a movie-making threesome whose hope is that Fidel himself will star in their film. The filmmakers are Joseph Smallwood, former Newfoundland premier, Geoff Stirling, radio and televison owner, and Michael Rubbo, NFB film director. What happens while this unusual film crew awaits its star shows a good deal of the new Cuba, and also of the three Canadians who chose to film the island.
Up Next in Classic Documentaries
No Home Movie
Directed by Chantal Akerman • Documentary • 2015 • 115 minutes
The final film from groundbreaking auteur Chantal Akerman, NO HOME MOVIE is a portrait of her relationship with her mother, Natalia, a Holocaust survivor and familiar presence in many of her daughter's films.
"At the center of Chan...
Riddles of the Sphinx
Directed by Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen • Drama • With Dinah Stabb, Merdelle Jordine, Rhiannon Tise • 1977 • 92 minutes
Laura Mulvey, author of the seminal essay Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, helped to establish feminist film theory as a legitimate field of study. With Peter Wollen, sh...
Before Stonewall: Restored Edition
Directed by Directed by Greta Schiller; Co-Directed by Robert Rosenberg • Documentary • With Rita Mae Brown, Ann Bannon, Martin Duberman, Allen Ginsberg, Dr. Evelyn Hooker, Audre Lorde, Harry Hay • 1984 • 87 minutes
In 1969 the police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City's Greenw...