Shattered Sky
Climate Change
Directed by Steve Dorst & Dan Evans • Documentary • 2012 • 57 minutes
Thirty years ago, scientists reported a hole in the ozone layer 'the size of North America.' The culprits were man-made chemicals called CFCs, which were prevalent in billions of dollars worth of refrigeration, air conditioning and other products that had revolutionized America's way of life.
With doctors forecasting skyrocketing cancer rates if changes weren't made, the stakes were literally 'life as we know it.' Yet companies remained bitterly opposed to changing their products. Politicians were slow to act. Like with today's CO2 emissions, an invisible compound was threatening the Earth's life-support systems, but a solution seemed beyond reach.
Eerily reminiscent of today's energy and climate crisis, Shattered Sky tells the story of how America led the world in solving the biggest environmental crisis ever seen.
Those interviewed include William Becker, Richard Benedick, Eileen Claussen, David Doniger, Daniel Dudek, Kevin Fay, Ross Gelbspan, Jeff Goodell, Hunter Lovins, Mario Molina, Bruce Niles, Michael Oppenheimer, Shari Road, William Reilly, James Rogers, F. Sherwood Rowland, George Shultz, Susan Solomon, Gus Speth, General Gordon Sullivan (Ret'd), Lee Thomas and Robert Watson.
Up Next in Climate Change
Split Estate
Directed by Debra Anderson • Documentary • 2009 • 76 minutes
Imagine discovering that you don't own the mineral rights under your land, and that an energy company plans to drill for natural gas two hundred feet from your front door using the controversial technology known as fracking. Imagine an...
Thank You for the Rain
Directed by Julia Dahr and Kisilu Musya • Documentary • 2017 • 87 minutes
Five years ago Kisilu, a Kenyan farmer, started to use his camera to capture the life of his family, his village and the damages of climate change. When a violent storm throws him and a Norwegian filmmaker together we see ...
Triple Divide [REDACTED]
Directed by Joshua Pribanic, Melissa Troutman • Documentary • 2017 • 53 minutes
This award-winning "bombshell" documentary covers the impact of fracking in one of the country's most pristine watersheds. With exclusive interviews from oil and gas industry leaders, independent experts and impacted...