After the Spill
1h 2m
Directed by Jon Bowermaster • Documentary • 2016 • 62 minutes
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated the coast of Louisiana. Five years later the Deepwater Horizon exploded and spilled more than 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the worst ecologic disaster in North American history. Amazingly those aren't the worst things facing Louisiana's coastline today. It is that the state is fast disappearing through coastal erosion caused largely by oil and gas industry activity.
Fishermen, scientists, politicians, environmentalists, and oil-rig workers document how the coast of Louisiana has changed. What really happened to all that oil? What about the dispersant used to push it beneath the surface? How has the spill impacted local economies as well as human health and the health of both marine life and the Gulf itself? How much resilience is left in the people and coastline?
"After the Spill documents the enormous price that society pays for its addiction to oil. This price is not paid equally by everyone; the people of coastal Louisiana know this all too well...If you care about environmental justice, our seafood, our dependence on oil, and the quality of our air and water, you will find this film relevant, insightful, and infuriating." —Daniel McCool, Professor of Political Science, University of Utah
Award of Excellence, Impact DOCS Awards
Up Next in DCEFF
Bidder 70
Directed by Beth Gage and George Gage • Documentary • 2012 • 73 minutes
In 2008, as George W. Bush tried to gift the energy and mining industries thousands of acres of pristine Utah wilderness via a widely disputed federal auction, college student Tim DeChristopher monkey-wrenched the process. B...
Gringo Trails
Directed by Pegi Vail • Documentary • 2013 • 79 minutes
Are tourists destroying the planet-or saving it? How do travelers change the remote places they visit, and how are they changed? From the Bolivian jungle to the party beaches of Thailand, and from the deserts of Timbuktu, Mali to the breath...
Fire and Ice
Directed by Christopher McLeod • Documentary • 2014 • 57 minutes
From Ethiopia to Peru, indigenous customs protect biodiversity on sacred lands under pressure from religious conflicts and climate change. In the Gamo Highlands of Ethiopia, scientists confirm the benefits of traditional stewardshi...