A Spell to Ward Off the Darkness
US Indies
1h 38m
Directed by Ben Rivers & Ben Russell • Drama • With Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe • 2014 • 98 minutes
A SPELL follows an unnamed character through three seemingly disparate moments in his life. With little explanation, we join him in the midst of a 15-person collective on a small Estonian island; in isolation in the majestic wilderness of Northern Finland; and during a concert as the singer and guitarist of a black metal band in Norway. Marked by loneliness, ecstatic beauty and an optimism of the darkest sort.
Starring musician Robert AA Lowe (best known for his intense live performances under the name LICHENS) in the lead role, A SPELL lies somewhere between fiction and non-fiction - it is at once a document of experience and an experience itself, an inquiry into transcendence that sees the cinema as a site for transformation.
"With its very title, A SPELL TO WARD OFF THE DARKNESS is a film that announces itself as being in league with forces not entirely of this world."—Michael Sicinski, Cinemascope
"A tapestry of beautifully rendered concepts...impressively committed to its poetic design."—Eric Kohn, Indiewire
Up Next in US Indies
Some Divine Wind
Directed by Roddy Bogawa • Drama • 1991 • 72 minutes
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Bad Fever
Directed by Dustin Guy Defa • Drama • With Kentucker Audley, Eleonore Hendricks • 2012 • 77 minutes
Alternatively quiet and delirious, always desperate, Bad Fever is a witness to one man’s broken American dream and his eternal longing to find someone, anyone, who understands or even pretends to ...
For the Plasma
Directed by Bingham Bryant, Kyle Molzan • Drama • With Anabelle LeMieux, Rosalie Lowe • 2016 • 94 minutes
For the Plasma begins in a remote house on the coast of Maine, where a young woman named Helen has found work as a forest-fire lookout responsible for monitoring the nearby woodland. While a...