Parting Glances
US Indies
1h 30m
Directed by Bill Sherwood • Drama • With Richard Ganoung, John Bolger, Steve Buscemi, Adam Nathan, Kathy Kinney • 1986 • 90 minutes
Heroic, funny and romantic, Parting Glances is a triumph for everyone who has ever been in love-straight or gay. The story revolves around two men, Michael and Robert, who have been lovers for years. Robert is being transferred out of the country for two years, leaving Michael behind. Their best friend Nick, who is also Michael's former lover, is dying of AIDS. So begins a surprisingly funny, wonderfully acted love story set in the gay scene of Manhattan.
Parting Glances, a pioneering film of gay cinema, is about the loyalties of friendship and the vicissitudes of romantic love. It's about the relationship between gays and straights. And it's about how we all try to do our jobs, be there for our friends and keep a love affair going-all at the same time.
Up Next in US Indies
Directed by Erin Vassilopoulos • Drama • With Alessandra Mesa, Ani Mesa • 2021 • 99 minutes
When Marian is on the run, she goes to the only place she knows is safe: her childhood home. She is greeted by her estranged sister, Vivian, a stay-at-home housewife struggling to conceive and on the verg...
Directed by Alex Karpovsky • Drama • With Jon Hyrns, Wesley Yang • 2008 • 87 minutes
This comedy follows Hyrns and his cohort, Wesley Yang, as they obsessively search the Arkansas bayou for proof that ivory-billed woodpecker is in fact not extinct.
Wendy and Lucy (Kelly Reichardt, w/ M...
Directed by Kelly Reichardt • Drama • With Michelle Williams, Walter Dalton, Will Oldham, John Robinson, Larry Fessenden, Will Patton • 2008 • 80 minutes
Proving why she is one of the most highly-regarded auteurs of current cinema, Kelly Reichardt's (OLD JOY) subtle storytelling technique uses a...