An Injury To One
Directed by Travis Wilkerson • Documentary • 2003 • 53 minutes
AN INJURY TO ONE provides a corrective-and absolutely compelling-glimpse of a particularly volatile moment in early 20th century American labor history: the rise and fall of Butte, Montana. Specifically, it chronicles the mysterious death of Wobbly organizer Frank Little, a story whose grisly details have taken on a legendary status in the state. Much of the extant evidence is inscribed upon the landscape of Butte and its surroundings. Thus, a connection is drawn between the unsolved murder of Little, and the attempted murder of the town itself.
The murder provides AN INJURY TO ONE with a taut, suspenseful narrative, but it isn't the only story. Butte's history is bound with the entire history of the American left, the rise of McCarthyism, the destruction of the environment, and even the birth of the detective novel.
"One of American independent cinema's great achievements of the past decade." —Dennis Lim, Los Angeles Times
Up Next in Experimental
The Annotated Field Guide of Ulysses ...
Directed by Jim Finn • Documentary • 2020 • 61 minutes
For four years in the 1860’s half of the United States was held hostage by an unrecognized white supremacist republic. Shot on 16mm in national military parks, swamps, forests and the suburban sprawl across the former battlefields, the film ...
A Biography of Lilith
Directed by Lynne Sachs • Documentary • 1997 • 35 minutes
In a lively mix of narrative, collage and memoir, A Biography of Lilith updates the creation myth by telling the story of the first woman. Lilith’s betrayal by Adam in Eden and subsequent vow of revenge is recast as a modern tale with a p...
A Month of Single Frames (for Barbara...
Directed by Lynne Sachs • Documentary • 2019 • 14 minutes
In 1998, experimental filmmaker Barbara Hammer took part in a one-month residency at a Cape Cod dune shack without running water or electricity, where she shot film, recorded sound and kept a journal. In 2018 she gave all of this material...