The Trouble with Bread
Food & Agriculture
Directed by Maggie Beidelman • Documentary • 2014 • 27 minutes
Michael Pollan (author of "Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation") told the filmmaker, Maggie Beidelman, that her gluten intolerance could all be in her head. She half agreed with him, because the number of Americans buying into the $10.5 billion "gluten-free" industry is disturbing. There is so much more to learn about wheat—and how it has changed in just the last couple of generations—before we completely sign it off.
In this film, Beidelman journeys from farm to mill to table on a quest for answers about gluten intolerance and a hunt for the perfect loaf, one she can eat without getting sick. Along the way, she makes some unexpected discoveries about crucial changes to the wheat itself and how it is processed and fermented. Let's just say that bread as you know it, is not what you think.
Up Next in Food & Agriculture
Weather The Storm
Directed by Charles Menzies and Jennifer Rashleigh • Documentary • 2008 • 36 minutes
In today's global economy, the world's ocean resources are being hit hard. Enormous industrial 'floating factories' follow the fish wherever they are abundant, and move on when they have plundered the fish stock...
What's For Dinner?
Directed by Jian Yi • Documentary • 2013 • 29 minutes
Meat is now central to billions of people's daily meals. The environmental, climate, public health, ethical, and human impacts are enormous and remain largely undocumented. 'What's For Dinner?' explores this terrain in fast-globalizing China ...