Directed by Martijn Tervoort • Documentary • With Sarah Flavel • 2019 • 35 minutes
The students talk with Daoist philosopher Sarah Flavel, who focuses on the concept of Wu-Wei, or “non-action.” How can these young students learn to influence a situation by choosing to move along with the flow of things rather than aggressive intervention? The group considers whether the principle of non-intervention can be considered a form of action in itself, and if so what the implications of such a choice might be. Finally, professor Flavel discusses Daoism’s emphasis on intuition, flux, and uncertainty in a person’s life path.
Up Next in Season 1
Food for Thought - Tasting Qualities ...
Directed by Martijn Tervoort • Documentary • With Shalini Sinha • 2019 • 35 minutes
The students talk with Buddhist philosopher Shalini Sinha, who discusses how people work to change the world around them. Professor Sinha argues for looking at the qualities of a person rather than their ego, the...
Food for Thought - You are What You E...
Directed by Martijn Tervoort • Documentary • With Michael Onyebuchi Eze • 2019 • 35 minutes
The students talk with Nigerian philosopher Michael Onyebuchi Eze, who discusses how the philosophical concept of Ubuntu can help us to think about the value of difference. Rather than seeing difference a...
Food for Thought - Persian Balance - ...
Directed by Martijn Tervoort • Documentary • With Tina Rahimy • 2019 • 36 minutes
The students talk with Iranian philosopher Tina Rahimy about moving beyond the restrictive categorizations of language, stressing the importance of openness, respect, and adaptability in communication. Professor Ra...