You Will Be Swedish, My Daughter
In the News
Directed by Claire Billet, Olivier Jobard • Documentary • 2018 • 58 minutes
A Syrian refugee couple, Ahmad and Jihane, tell the story of their exile to Sweden to their youngest daughter, Sally. They recount their journey as migrants being smuggled across borders, evoke memories of their beloved Syria, and talk of the violence which is present at all times. Ahmad and Jihane then compare their differing points of view. What will they remember? What will they tell their children about the past? Between their unspoken thoughts and obsessions, the future identity of the family is being constructed.
Up Next in In the News
Another Paradise
Directed by Olivier Magis • Documentary • 2019 • 82 minutes
Fifty years ago, the entire Creole population of the Chagos Islands was expelled by the British authorities. This secret operation took place to facilitate the leasing of the main island, Diego Garcia, to the US government so that it co...
Directed by Daniel Hoesl • Documentary • With Klaus Schwab, Christine Lagarde • 2021 • 99 minutes
Looking to decipher the fractured world of ours was the driving force to make this film. We‘ve been following the everyday life in Davos for over a year. The challenges of our society are shown thro...
Master of the Universe
Directed by Marc Bauder • Documentary • With Rainer Voss, Angela Merkel • 2014 • 88 minutes
A brilliant documentary dissecting the global financial system as told by leading German investment banker Rainer Voss. A real life former master of the universe, Voss gives a disturbing insider's account...