Images You Didn't See
4m 29s
Directed by Anand Patwardhan • Documentary • 2006 • 5 minutes
Global censorship of the war on Iraq has stifled the outrage that may have otherwise curtailed the ongoing atrocity of occupation. Not only have the real causes of war been hidden but also its effects. Most people see a sanitized and falsified version that feeds their complacence and sedates their conscience. But one place where the truth cannot be totally hidden is the Internet. “images you didn’t see” is a music video that interprets images gleaned from the net – images that either never appear in the mainstream media, or images whose import are masked behind a velvet curtain of global infotainment.
Up Next in India
In Memory of Friends
Directed by Anand Patwardhan • Documentary • 1990 • 60 minutes
IN MEMORY OF FRIENDS documents the violence and terror in Punjab, India – a land torn apart by religious fundamentalists and a repressive government. After examining the political turmoil of the late 1970′s and the rise of Sikh funda...
In the Name of God
Directed by Anand Patwardhan • Documentary • 1992 • 75 minutes
Since gaining independence in 1947, India has been a secular state. But now, as religious fundamentalism grips much of India’s population, the greatest danger to the nation’s extremely strained social fabric may come not from Sikh or...
Jai Bhim Comrade
Directed by Anand Patwardhan • Documentary • 2012 • 168 minutes
For thousands of years India’s Dalits were abhorred as “untouchables,” denied education and treated as bonded labour. By 1923 Bhimrao Ambedkar broke the taboo, won doctorates abroad and fought for the emancipation of his people. He ...