Football Under Cover
1h 26m
Directed by Ayat Najafi and David Assmann • Documentary • 2008 • 86 minutes
The members of the Iranian women's international football (soccer) team possess a dedication to the sport rivaling that of any other group of players in the world. What they lack, however, is a team to play against. When Marlene, the left-back of a Berlin amateur club, learns of their situation, she becomes determined to do something about it and hatches a plan to travel with her team to Tehran for a friendly match.
On a preliminary trip to the country, Marlene meets Niloofar, a member of the Iranian women’s team, who dreams of David Beckham and struggles as a female athlete living under the country’s repressive regime. Despite all the cultural differences, they share a love of football and an unwavering determination to make the match happen even without official support. After a year of failed attempts, Marlene’s team travels to Tehran to play the game of their lives.
Up Next in Iran
Inside Out
Directed by Zohreh Shayesteh • Documentary • 2006 • 39 minutes
Maria is a middle-aged single woman with three children. Saman is a newly married young man. Arash is an eighteen-year-old high-school dropout. The one thing they have in common is that all three are transsexuals living in the Islami...
Directed by Dariush Mehrjui • Drama • With Leila Hatami, Ali Mosaffa • 1999 • 125 minutes
Reza and Leila, an attractive and affluent young couple deeply in love and recently married, discover that Leila is unable to conceive. Invoking tradition, Reza's mother convinces her daughter-in-law that R...