Jessica Gorter

Jessica Gorter

Jessica Gorter has been working as an independent filmmaker focusing on post-Soviet Russia since graduating from the Dutch Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam.

She directs documentaries for Dutch television and works as an editor, script writer and coach. Her films are shown at film festivals and broadcast internationally. In 2014, Gorter received the Documentary Stipend of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds for 'the skillful and elaborate approach in her research and her concise and layered way of dealing with the themes underlying her stories'.

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Jessica Gorter
  • 900 Days

    Directed by Jessica Gorter • Documentary • 2011 • 77 minutes

    Jessica Gorter's 900 DAYS contrasts the devastating and unforgettable stories recounted by survivors of the Siege of Leningrad, the infamous German blockade, which caused the deaths of more than 1 million people during World War II, wi...

  • The Red Soul

    Directed by Jessica Gorter • Documentary • 2017 • 90 minutes

    The Red Soul lays bare the Russian psyche of today and shows a world full of contradictions. In a country where hardly any family escaped the hunger, fear and violence resulting from Stalin’s reign of terror, no one has ever been convi...