339 Amín Abel Hasbun. Memory of a Crime
1h 36m
Directed by Etzel Báez • Drama • With Margaux Da Silva, Pericles Mejía, Guillermo Liriano, Pablo David Quinteros, Ernesto Báez, Héctor Then, Ico Abreu, Mario Núñez • 2014 • 97 minutes
Based on a real story, 339 Amín Abel Hasbun is an intriguing account of the murder of Amín Abel Hasbun, a brilliant student leader in the Dominican Republic accused of kidnapping US Embassy official, Donald J. Crowley. Hasbun was one of many young leftists fighting against the repressive government of Dr. Joaquín Balaguer. Hasbun’s death shook the sensibility of the Dominican people to the point that Balaguer had to orchestrate an investigation despite the fact that his government had been responsible for the cold-blooded murder. With a plot that involved the CIA and the Dominican Republic Police Force, the film does an excellent job at deconstructing the events that took place the morning of September 24, 1970, when Amin, his wife, and 2-year-old son received the fatal visit from the police and country’s District Attorney.