Neon Heart
1h 29m
Directed by Laurits Flensted-Jensen • Drama • With Vic Carmen Sonne, Karen Sigrid Arild Albrechtsen, Nicklas Svale Andersen • 2018 • 86 minutes
Laura and Niklas are handicap helpers. She was in porn and he in detox. Laura tries to speak with her ex, Niklas. Niklas tries to speak with his teen brother, who's in bad company.
“Danish writer-director Laurits Flensted-Jensen isn’t one to make things easy for himself. His debut feature Neon Heart addresses themes including pornography, drugs rehab, disability, gay-bashing and football hooliganism; does it with a cast that’s roughly two-thirds non-professional; puts both cast and audience through experiences that some viewers may find awkward verging on excruciating; and yet manages to pull it all off with wit and lightness of touch, avoiding accusations of voyeurism or exploitation.” —Jonathan Romney, Screen International