Animated Shorts (collection)
Directed by Martine Époque & Denis Poulin • Animation • 2014 • 11 minutes
This short animation draws on advanced digital technologies to offer a new vision of dance in cinema. With motion capture (MoCap) and particle processing, designers Denis Poulin and Martine Époque create virtual dancers free of their morphological appearance. In this balletic and hypnotic film, dynamic traces carry the motion of the real dancers behind the on-screen movements. Addressing environmental themes by way of metaphor, CODA is a fused universe where space and time collide, deploy, and dissolve. In this technically and formally innovative film, luminous bodies in the infinite space of the cosmos transform and evolve to the rhythms of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring.
Up Next in Animated Shorts (collection)
The Basketball Game
Directed by Hart Snider • Animation • 2011 • 5 minutes
In 1983, nine-year-old Hart attends Jewish summer camp for the first time, while in a nearby Alberta town a social studies teacher makes headlines after it's discovered he's been teaching anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. In the aftermath,...
Pilots on the Way Home
Directed by Olga Pärn & Priit Pärn • Animation • 2014 • 16 minutes
Having suffered the loss of their plane, three pilots inexplicably find themselves stranded in the middle of the desert. While following the perilous and unpredictable course that will ultimately lead them home, they fall pre...
No Fish Where to Go
Directed by Nicola Lemay & Janice Nadeau • Animation • 2014 • 12 minutes
"Our planet—inhabited by people with different languages and customs." A friendship unites two little girls from opposing clans in a village where tensions are mounting. The Red Shoes have taken control of one side of t...