Bullfrog Films

Bullfrog Films

Bullfrog Films is the oldest and largest publisher of videos and films about the environment in the United States. Founded in 1973, it has been honored with a retrospective screening at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and with a special award from Medikinale International in Parma, Italy.

We define "environment" broadly and our collection includes programs on ecology, energy, agriculture, indigenous peoples, women's issues, sustainability, community regeneration, economics, social justice, conflict resolution, architecture, and the arts. In recent years, we have released many films about globalization, gender, climate change, and human rights. There are films suitable for all ages in the Bullfrog collection, produced by outstanding, prize-winning filmmakers.

To help people create community advocacy events—using the power of film to raise awareness and funds for their efforts—we created Bullfrog Communities to enhance the public performance of films providing discussion guides and publicity materials with the films.

In partnership with Icarus Films we established Docuseek, an educational streaming service, providing exclusive access to essential independent, social-issue and environmental films to academic institutions.

The company principals are partners Winifred Scherrer and John Hoskyns-Abrahall, and their son Alex Hoskyns-Abrahall. The dedicated Bullfrog team knows the films, the issues, and is eager to help people find the films they need.

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Bullfrog Films
  • The Vow from Hiroshima

    Directed by Susan Strickler • Documentary • 2020 • 77 minutes

    THE VOW FROM HIROSHIMA is an intimate portrait of Setsuko Thurlow, a passionate, 85-year-old survivor of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Her moving story is told through the lens of her growing friendship with a second generation surviv...

  • Becoming Animal

    Directed by Emma Davie, Peter Mettler • Documentary • 2018 • 79 minutes

    An inspired collaboration between filmmakers Emma Davie (I Am Breathing) and Peter Mettler (The End of Time) and radical writer and philosopher David Abram ("The Spell of the Sensuous"), Becoming Animal is an urgent and imme...

  • Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty

    Directed by John de Graaf • Documentary • 2022 • 78 minutes

    Stewart Lee Udall was the most prominent and effective Secretary of the Interior in American history.

    Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty is a feature documentary that examines the trajectory of Udall’s life from his childhood throug...

  • Reflection: A Walk With Water

    Directed by Emmett Brennan • Documentary • 2021 • 79 minutes

    The conditions that make life possible are rapidly changing. Reckoning with this reality on the cusp of another dry season that may very well ravage his community, 30-year old filmmaker Emmett Brennan embarks on a remarkable journey to...

  • Not A Still Life

    Directed by Roberta Cantow • Documentary • 2014 • 59 minutes

    Not a Still Life is a portrait of Steve Stone, an older gay, Jewish man who shares the naked truth of the struggles, joys and sorrows of his unconventional life a life full of captivating tales. With both humor and raw honesty, Steve t...

  • Accordions Rising

    Directed by Roberta Cantow • Documentary • With Guy Klucevsek, William Schimmel, Pauline Oliveros • 2016 • 74 minutes

    What if everything we thought we knew about the accordion were wrong? This film shatters the mistaken notions and tells the real story. Accordions have returned, not only with am...

  • Alan Magee: art is not a solace

    Directed by P. David Berez, David Wright • Documentary • 2019 • 60 minutes

    Best known for his captivating realist paintings, artist Alan Magee also creates works that delve into the darkest aspects of human nature. His arresting images which comment on corporate greed, on cruelty and gun violenc...

  • August Pace: 1989-2019

    Directed by Daniel Madoff • Documentary • 2022 • 54 minutes

    Thirty years after the world premiere of legendary choreographer Merce Cunningham’s "August Pace," the original cast members gather once again in a New York City studio to teach their roles to a younger generation. Their reunion is a gr...

  • Aboriginal Architecture

    Directed by Paul M. Rickard • Documentary • 2006 • 93 minutes

    ABORIGINAL ARCHITECTURE, LIVING ARCHITECTURE offers a fascinating in-depth look into the diversity of North American Native architecture. Featuring expert commentary and stunning imagery, this program provides a virtual tour of seven ...

  • Thirst for Justice

    Directed by Leana Hosea • Documentary • 2021 • 58 minutes

    Armed only with facts and their illnesses, extraordinary citizens take on industry and government, risking arrest to protect clean water.  From Flint, Michigan to the Navajo Nation, via Standing Rock, this is their story. 

    Thirst For Jus...

  • One Big Home

    Directed by Thomas Bena • Documentary • 2017 • 88 minutes

    Gentrification comes in many forms. On the tiny island of Martha's Vineyard, where presidents and celebrities vacation, trophy homes threaten to destroy the island's unique character.

    Twelve years in the making, ONE BIG HOME follows one ...

  • The Next Industrial Revolution

    Directed by Chris Bedford and Shelley Morhaim • Documentary • With Susan Sarandon • 2001 • 55 minutes

    While some environmental observers predict doomsday scenarios in which a rapidly increasing human population is forced to compete for ever scarcer natural resources, Bill McDonough sees a more e...

  • The Divided Brain

    Directed by Manfred Becker • Documentary • 2021 • 78 minutes

    THE DIVIDED BRAIN is a mind-altering odyssey about one man's quest to prove a growing imbalance in our brains, and to help us understand how this makes us increasingly unable to grapple with critical economic, environmental and social ...

  • Ama

    Directed by Lorna Tucker • Documentary • 2019 • 74 minutes

    Ama tells an important and untold story: the abuses committed against Native American women by the US Government during the 1960s and 70s. The women were removed from their families and sent to boarding schools. They were subjected to fo...

  • Forget Me Not

    Directed by David Sieveking • Documentary • 2012 • 88 minutes

    Leading documentary filmmaker David Sieveking (David Wants to Fly) weaves an astonishingly candid, loving and revelatory chronicle of the changes his mother's Alzheimer'€s has on his family. Although dealing with his mother's disease ...

  • In Our Own Hands

    Directed by Elizabeth Horn • Documentary • 2020 • 67 minutes

    In Our Own Hands: How Patients Are Reinventing Medicine opens with an urgent question posed by desperate patients and their families: can new technologies help us treat and prevent the most alarming and perhaps understated health threa...

  • Let Them Eat Dirt

    Directed by Rivkah Beth Medow, Brad Marshland • Documentary • 2019 • 57 minutes

    Allergies, obesity, asthma, diabetes, auto-immune and intestinal disorders are all on the rise, with the incidence of some diseases doubling every ten years. New research points to changes in the ecosystem of microbe...

  • When Abortion was Illegal

    Directed by Dorothy Fadiman • Documentary • 1993 • 28 minutes

    Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short

    The era of illegal abortion, roughly the period between the turn of the century and the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, has been a sealed chapter in women's history. 

    The prof...

  • Rosita

    Directed by Barbara Attie and Janet Goldwater • Documentary • 2005 • 58 minutes

    ROSITA, a documentary by award-winning filmmakers Barbara Attie and Janet Goldwater, traces a young girl's journey from innocent victim to unwitting victor.

    When a nine-year-old Nicaraguan girl becomes pregnant as ...

  • Orchestrating Change

    Directed by Margie Friedman, Barbara Multer-Wellin • Documentary • 2021 • 85 minutes

    ORCHESTRATING CHANGE is the feature- length documentary film that tells the inspiring story of Me2/Orchestra, the only orchestra in the world created by and for people living with mental illness and those who su...

  • The Dirty War on the National Health Service

    Directed by John Pilger • Documentary • 2019 • 106 minutes

    Britain's National Health Service, the NHS, was the world's first universal public health service. Designed to give millions of people "freedom from fear" following World War II, the NHS today is under threat of being sold off and conver...

  • Frenemies

    Directed by Mirella Martinelli • Documentary • 2020 • 87 minutes

    Set to the pulsating beats of Afro-Caribbean music, the feature-length documentary film Frenemies examines the fraught relationship between the island nation of Cuba and the United States.

    Presenting a critical perspective on both...

  • Connectivity Project

    Directed by Rose Madrone • Documentary • 2021 • 45 minutes

    By exploring the ripple effects of our actions in an interconnected world, the CONNECTIVITY PROJECT series highlights how science and different cultures and traditions from around the world embrace the importance of interconnectedness. A...

  • The River Between Us

    Directed by Carl Gierstorfer • Documentary • 2022 • 88 minutes

    The people of the Mashco Piro fled deep into the Peruvian Amazon to escape the cruelty of colonialist rubber companies. They cut all contact with the outside world and entered an isolation they haven’t abandoned to this day. Carl Gie...