Bullfrog Films
Directed by Barbara Attie and Janet Goldwater • Documentary • 2005 • 58 minutes
ROSITA, a documentary by award-winning filmmakers Barbara Attie and Janet Goldwater, traces a young girl's journey from innocent victim to unwitting victor.
When a nine-year-old Nicaraguan girl becomes pregnant as a result of a rape, her parents -- illiterate campesinos working in Costa Rica -- seek a legal 'therapeutic' abortion to save their only child's life.
Their quest pits them against the governments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, the medical establishment, and the Catholic Church. When their story gains international media attention, the repercussions ripple across Latin America and Europe.
"A heartbreaking true story about a 9-year-old Nicaraguan girl who was raped and impregnated but whose unwanted pregnancy...became a political football between abortion rights advocates and antiabortion forces in Costa Rica and Nicaragua." —The Washington Post
Up Next in Bullfrog Films
Orchestrating Change
Directed by Margie Friedman, Barbara Multer-Wellin • Documentary • 2021 • 85 minutes
ORCHESTRATING CHANGE is the feature- length documentary film that tells the inspiring story of Me2/Orchestra, the only orchestra in the world created by and for people living with mental illness and those who su...
The Dirty War on the National Health ...
Directed by John Pilger • Documentary • 2019 • 106 minutes
Britain's National Health Service, the NHS, was the world's first universal public health service. Designed to give millions of people "freedom from fear" following World War II, the NHS today is under threat of being sold off and conver...
Directed by Mirella Martinelli • Documentary • 2020 • 87 minutes
Set to the pulsating beats of Afro-Caribbean music, the feature-length documentary film Frenemies examines the fraught relationship between the island nation of Cuba and the United States.
Presenting a critical perspective on both...