Don't Give Up Your Voice!
Bullfrog Films
Directed by Mark Dworkin, Melissa Young • Documentary • 2019 • 41 minutes
DON'T GIVE UP YOUR VOICE! is at first glance about Argentina, but it is also about the USA. Argentina elected its Trump, Mauricio Macri, a year before we elected ours. The two are quite similar in the tone of their campaigns and the policies they are promoting once in office. But Argentines are resilient, and they have fought right wing governments before.
DON'T GIVE UP YOUR VOICE! looks at the widespread and creative resistance to Macri's policies-- in organized labor, at worker coops, street protests, theater and music. The film offers instructive parallels with the situation in the US, while illustrating the power of collective action.
Up Next in Bullfrog Films
Drowned Out
Directed by Franny Armstrong • Documentary • 2003 • 75 minutes
Three choices. Move to the slums in the city, accept a place at a resettlement site or stay at home and drown. The people of Jalsindhi in central India must make a decision fast. In the next few weeks, their village will disappear un...
Earth Seasoned: #GapYear
Directed by Molly Kreuzman • Documentary • 2018 • 74 minutes
EARTH SEASONED...#GapYear is the inspiring story of five young urban women who spend a gap year between high school and college living semi-primitively in a remote mountainside wilderness in Oregon. Told mainly through the story of Tor...
East of Salinas
Directed by Laura Pacheco, Jackie Mow • Documentary • 2016 • 53 minutes
EAST OF SALINAS begins with 3rd grader Jose telling us what he wants to be when he grows up. His parents work from sun up to sun down in the heart of California's 'Steinbeck Country,' the Salinas Valley. With little support ...