Good Food
Bullfrog Films
1h 12m
Directed by Mark Dworkin, Melissa Young • Documentary • 2008 • 73 minutes
Something remarkable is happening in the fields and orchards of the Pacific Northwest. After leaving the land for decades, family farmers are making a comeback. They are growing much healthier food, and more food per acre, while using less energy and water than factory farms. And most of this food is organic.
For decades Northwest agriculture was focused on a few big crops for export. But climate change and the end of cheap energy mean that each region needs to produce more of its own food and to grow it more sustainably. Good Food visits farmers, farmers' markets, distributors, stores, restaurants and public officials who are developing a more sustainable food system for all.
Up Next in Bullfrog Films
Green Fire
Directed by Ann Dunsky, Steven Dunsky, David Steinke • Documentary • 2015 • 73 minutes
Aldo Leopold is considered the most important conservationist of the 20th century because his ideas are so relevant to the environmental issues of our time. He is the father of the national wilderness system, ...
Groundswell Rising
Directed by Renard Cohen • Documentary • 2014 • 70 minutes
GROUNDSWELL RISING gives voice to ordinary folks engaged in a David and Goliath struggle against Big Oil and Gas. We meet parents, scientists, doctors, farmers and individuals across the political spectrum decrying the energy extraction ...
Directed by Courtney Quirin • Documentary • 2019 • 76 minutes
Part hermit, part biologist, Guardians live on boats, full-time, in one of the last pristine frontiers of the world to monitor salmon, the backbone of the ecosystem, economy, and culture along British Columbia's coast. But, in an age ...