Into The Night (Part 1)
Bullfrog Films
2h 5m
Directed by Helen Whitney • Documentary • With Sharon Stone, Gabriel Byrne • 2021 • 141 minutes
We don't know how. We don't know when. But death comes for us all.
To be human is to wrestle with this truth and with the great unanswered question: How do we live with death in our eye? Do we go gently or raging against the dying light? Do we depart with equanimity or with anger? With clenched fists or more commonly with denial? Or do we see death as something to be fought and even possibly conquered, a challenge increasingly pursued by some of the brightest scientific minds? Finally, what are the stories we tell ourselves? Whether shaped by religion, science, art, the natural world, the power of love, do these narratives sustain us or do they fall away when we suddenly find ourselves 'with skin in the game.'
INTO THE NIGHT: Portraits of Life and Death features fascinating, unexpected voices from various walks of life: old and young, believers and nonbelievers, the dying and the healthy, well known and obscure. However varied their backgrounds, all are unified by their uncommon eloquence and intelligence, and most important by their dramatic experience of death. Each of them has been shocked into an awareness of mortality-and they are forever changed. For them death is no longer an abstraction, far away in the future. Whether through a dire prognosis, the imminence of their own death, the loss of a loved one, a sudden epiphany, or a temperament born to question, these are people who have truly 'awakened' to their own mortality.
Up Next in Bullfrog Films
Into The Night (Part 2)
Directed by Helen Whitney • Documentary • With Sharon Stone, Gabriel Byrne • 2021 • 141 minutes
We don't know how. We don't know when. But death comes for us all.
To be human is to wrestle with this truth and with the great unanswered question: How do we live with death in our eye? Do we go gen...
A Fierce Green Fire
Directed by Mark Kitchell • Documentary • 2012 • 101 minutes
A FIERCE GREEN FIRE: The Battle For a Living Planet is the first big-picture exploration of the environmental movement - grassroots and global activism spanning fifty years from conservation to climate change. From halting dams in the ...
Berkeley in the Sixties
Directed by Mark Kitchell • Documentary • With Ronald Reagan, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mario Savio, Huey Newton, Allen Ginsberg, The Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix • 1990 • 117 minutes
Berkeley in the Sixties recaptures the exhilaration and turmoil of the unprecedented student protests that sha...