A Quest for Meaning
Climate Change
1h 27m
Directed by Nathanael Coste, Marc de la Menardiere • Documentary • 2018 • 87 minutes
A QUEST FOR MEANING tells the story of Marc and Nathanael, two childhood friends who take an impromptu road trip attempting to uncover the causes of our current global crisis and to discover a way to bring about change.
The two friends invite us to share their quest as they meet with activists, biologists, philosophers, and custodians of ancient traditions. Equipped with nothing more than a tiny camera and a microphone they document some of the solutions that are laying the foundations for a sustainable world. This life-changing journey restores confidence in our ability to bring about change both within ourselves and in society.
Among the people they talk to are Vandana Shiva, Trinh Xuan Thuan, Satish Kumar, Pierre Rabhi, Herve Kempf, Bruce Lipton and Cassandra Vieten.
Up Next in Climate Change
Sacred Cod
Directed by Steve Liss, Andy Laub, David Abel • Documentary • 2017 • 65 minutes
For centuries, cod was like gold, driving men to extremes. Cod were so abundant in the waters off New England that fishermen used to say they could walk across the Atlantic on the backs of them, and generations of me...
The Sequel
Directed by Peter Armstrong • Documentary • 2018 • 61 minutes
Around the world, fresh shoots are already emerging as people develop the skills, will and resources necessary to recapture the initiative and re-imagine civilization, often in the ruins of collapsed mainstream economies.
We encount... -
Shattered Sky
Directed by Steve Dorst & Dan Evans • Documentary • 2012 • 57 minutes
Thirty years ago, scientists reported a hole in the ozone layer 'the size of North America.' The culprits were man-made chemicals called CFCs, which were prevalent in billions of dollars worth of refrigeration, air conditi...