Marx Reloaded
Inauguration Special > Eat the Rich!
Directed by Jason Barker • Documentary • 2011 • 52 minutes
Today a new generation of philosophers, artists and political activists are returning to Marx's ideas in order to try to make sense of the crisis and to consider whether a world without or beyond capitalism is possible. Is the severity of the ongoing recession a sign that the capitalist system's days are numbered? Ironically, 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, could it be that communism might provide the solution to the growing economic and environmental challenges facing the planet?
Interviews with leading experts include: Norbert Bolz, Micha Brumlik, John Gray, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Nina Power, Jacques Ranciere, Peter Sloterdijk, Alberto Toscano, and Slavoj Zizek.
"A great introduction to Marx for a new generation. Highly recommended."—Simon Critchley, professor of philosophy at The New School and moderator of The Stone
"A roll call of some of the heavyweights in Marxist philosophy."—Socialist Review
Up Next in Inauguration Special > Eat the Rich!
Drowned Out
Directed by Franny Armstrong • Documentary • 2003 • 75 minutes
Three choices. Move to the slums in the city, accept a place at a resettlement site or stay at home and drown. The people of Jalsindhi in central India must make a decision fast. In the next few weeks, their village will disappear un...
Third Avenue: Only the Strong Survive
Directed by Jon Alpert • Documentary • 1980 • 60 minutes
This Emmy Award-winning documentary tells the stories of six "ordinary" people who live or work along New York City's Third Avenue, which runs for sixteen miles through Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, cutting through the complex social...
The Enemy Within
Directed by Owen Gower • Documentary • 2015 • 112 minutes
In 1984, a Conservative government under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher declared war on Britain's unions, taking on the strongest in the country, the National Union of Mineworkers. Following a secret plan, the government began announcin...