Inauguration Special > Eat the Rich!

Inauguration Special > Eat the Rich!

Before they eat you.

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Inauguration Special > Eat the Rich!
  • Master of the Universe

    Directed by Marc Bauder • Documentary • With Rainer Voss, Angela Merkel • 2014 • 88 minutes

    A brilliant documentary dissecting the global financial system as told by leading German investment banker Rainer Voss. A real life former master of the universe, Voss gives a disturbing insider's account...

  • Going Private

    Directed by Stina Werenfels • Drama • With Michael Neuenschwander, Susanne-Marie Wrage, Bettina Stucky • 2005 • 98 minutes

    H-P is an investment banker who lives with his wife and son in a luxurious lakeside villa. But things aren’t as perfect as they seem. H-P is involved in some dodgy deals and...

  • The Libertine

    Directed by Gabriel Alghion • Drama • With Vincent Perez, Fanny Ardant • 2000 • 100 minutes

    France, late 18th Century. The State, in alliance with the Church, has forbidden the publication and distribution of Diderot’s Encyclopædia. Meanwhile, Diderot and his family are holed up with some friend...

  • Davos

    Directed by Daniel Hoesl • Documentary • With Klaus Schwab, Christine Lagarde • 2021 • 99 minutes

    Looking to decipher the fractured world of ours was the driving force to make this film. We‘ve been following the everyday life in Davos for over a year. The challenges of our society are shown thro...

  • Profit and Nothing But!

    Directed by Raoul Peck • Documentary • 2001 • 52 minutes

    Who said that the economy serves mankind? What is this world where one third of the population, in the rich countries, or more precisely the wealthiest two percent in these countries, control everything? A world where the economy is law, w...

  • Seduced and Blackmailed

    Directed by Aldo Gugolz and Romeo Regenass • Documentary • 2012 • 51 minutes

    Helg Sgarbi, a Swiss man with a radiant smile, tries to extort 14 million Euro from BMW’s major shareholder Susanne Klatten by threatening to publish intimate photos. 

    Susanne Klatten however, isn't afraid: the richest...

  • The Corporate Coup d'État

    Directed by Fred Peabody • Documentary • With Chris Hedges, Phillip Martin, Sarah Jaffe, Matt Taibbi, Lee Fang, John Ralston Saul • 2018 • 90 minutes

    This investigative documentary exposes how corporations and billionaires have taken control of the American political process, and in doing so hav...

  • Germinal

    Directed by Claude Berri • Drama • With Renaud, Gérard Depardieu, Miou-Miou • 1993 • 160 minutes

    Winner of France’s prestigious César Awards for Best Cinematography and Best Costume Design, this epic film is based on the novel by Émile Zola.

    During the Second Napoleonic Empire (the mid-19th cen...

  • The Clearstream Affair

    Directed by Vincent Garenq • Drama • With Gilles Lellouche, Charles Berling, Laurent Capelluto, Florence Loiret Caille, Grégoire Bonnet • 2016 • 102 minutes

    In this ripped-from-the-headlines French thriller, journalist Denis Robert (Point Blank's Gilles Lellouche) sets the world of finance ablaz...

  • Golub: Late Works Are the Catastrophes

    Directed by Jerry Blumenthal,Gordon Quinn • Documentary • With Leon Golub • 2004 • 80 minutes

    Kartemquin Films completes its chronicle of the work and times of the American artist, Leon Golub. Begun in 1985, the film ends with Golub's death in 2004, taking us from searing images of interrogation...

  • Art and Oligarchs

    Directed by Tania Rakhmanova • Documentary • 2010 • 52 minutes

    A popular trend among Russian oligarchs is to purchase works of art. Why? It's a way to get into the Kremlin's good graces, to gild their image...and to cover up the origin of their fortunes, often acquired in the shadow of post-Sovi...

  • The Outsider

    Directed by Christophe Barratier • Drama • With Arthur Dupont, François-Xavier Demaison, Sabrina Ouazani • 2018 • 117 minutes

    Before the subprime mortgage crisis began unfolding in 2008, causing chaos in world markets and misery among millions of homeowners, another financial apocalypse was alre...

  • How to Steal a Country

    Directed by Rehad Desai, co-directed by Mark Kaplan • Documentary • 2020 • 87 minutes

    [02/05/2025: Anyone see the NYT article today "What Is ‘State Capture’? A Warning for Americans." ? Here's a doc thriller about what went on in South Africa not so long ago!]

    HOW TO STEAL A COUNTRY opens like ...

  • A Maid for Each

    Directed by Maher Abi Samra • Documentary • 2016 • 67 minutes

    Domestic work is a real market in Lebanon, segmented according to the national and ethnic origins of the workers and in which the Lebanese employer is master and the worker the property. Zein owns a domestic worker agency in Beirut. H...

  • No Gods, No Masters - Pt. I

    Directed by Tancrède Ramonet • Documentary • 2017 • 52 minutes

    This episode of NO GODS NO MASTERS shows how anarchism emerged from the horrendous social conditions facing workers at a time when industrialization was, paradoxically, providing better hygiene and social standards – for some. In an ...

  • Anarchism in America

    Directed by Steven Fischler and Joel Sucher • Documentary • 1982 • 75 minutes

    A colorful and provocative survey of anarchism in America which attempts to dispel popular misconceptions and to trace its historical development, both as a native American philosophy stemming from 19th century America...

  • Marx Reloaded

    Directed by Jason Barker • Documentary • 2011 • 52 minutes

    Today a new generation of philosophers, artists and political activists are returning to Marx's ideas in order to try to make sense of the crisis and to consider whether a world without or beyond capitalism is possible. Is the severity o...

  • Drowned Out

    Directed by Franny Armstrong • Documentary • 2003 • 75 minutes

    Three choices. Move to the slums in the city, accept a place at a resettlement site or stay at home and drown. The people of Jalsindhi in central India must make a decision fast. In the next few weeks, their village will disappear un...

  • Third Avenue: Only the Strong Survive

    Directed by Jon Alpert • Documentary • 1980 • 60 minutes

    This Emmy Award-winning documentary tells the stories of six "ordinary" people who live or work along New York City's Third Avenue, which runs for sixteen miles through Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, cutting through the complex social...

  • The Enemy Within

    Directed by Owen Gower • Documentary • 2015 • 112 minutes

    In 1984, a Conservative government under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher declared war on Britain's unions, taking on the strongest in the country, the National Union of Mineworkers. Following a secret plan, the government began announcin...

  • Taming The Garden

    Directed by Salomé Jashi • Documentary • 2021 • 92 minutes

    A powerful and anonymous man has developed an unusual hobby. He buys century-old trees, some as tall as 15-story buildings, from communities along the Georgian coast and has them excavated to collect them for his private garden. In order...