Far Off Sounds Ep 12 - Hollerin'
Far Off Sounds (series)
8m 19s
Directed by Jacob Hurwitz-Goodman and Nick George • Documentary • 2018 • 8 minutes
First held in 1969 in Spivey’s Corner, North Carolina, the annual National Hollerin’ Contest is a daylong celebration of Southern cultural heritage and preservation of an archaic means of long distance communication. Originally a method of delivering messages to workers out in the fields, contestants project their loudest, most entertaining vocal exclamations out into the audience to be judged accordingly. The result is a confounding mix of sophisticated vocal technique and wildly free outbursts.
Up Next in Far Off Sounds (series)
Far Off Sounds Ep 13 - The Space Lady
Directed by Jacob Hurwitz-Goodman and Nick George • Documentary • With Susan Dietrich Schneider • 2018 • 8 minutes
The Space Lady, aka Susan Dietrich Schneider, became a staple of the Bay Area outsider music scene through years of busking the streets out of necessity. Her ethereal, echo-laden a...
Far Off Sounds Ep 14 - Microtonal Man
Directed by Jacob Hurwitz-Goodman and Nick George • Documentary • 2018 • 14 minutes
John Schneider won a 2015 Grammy for his album performing music composed by the midcentury genius Harry Partch, an American pioneer of microtonal music. Why has Schneider, a music theory professor and radio host,...
Far Off Sounds Ep 15 - Huun Huur Tu- ...
Directed by Jacob Hurwitz-Goodman and Nick George • Documentary • 2018 • 10 minutes
"Tuvan throat-singing", or khoomei, is an ancient pastime in the steppes of Tuva, a country nestled between Mongolia and Russia. For thousands of years, herders and farmers there have taught their children to sin...