Far Off Sounds Ep 9 - IASOS
Far Off Sounds (series)
9m 6s
Directed by Jacob Hurwitz-Goodman and Nick George • Documentary • 2018 • 9 minutes
Iasos began receiving music in his head from another dimension when he was a college student in 1965. He called it 'Paradise Music', and it was unlike anything he had ever heard. These incoming signals, and his efforts to translate them into sounds for human ears, set him on his life's journey. Today, Iasos is recognized as one of the fathers of 'new age' music. We visited him in Marin County, California, where he took us on a hike, played the Pipes of Pan, and debated with us about heavy metal music.
Up Next in Far Off Sounds (series)
Far Off Sounds Ep 10 - Dancers Withou...
Directed by Jacob Hurwitz-Goodman and Nick George • Documentary • 2018 • 5 minutes
Under a bridge near a train station in Jakarta, Indonesia, an outdoor nightclub is the last of its kind, keeping a traditional Sundanese artform called Jaipong alive. Jaipong, originally a village ritual associat...
Far Off Sounds Ep 11 - Mister Moonbeam
Directed by Jacob Hurwitz-Goodman and Nick George • Documentary • 2018 • 11 minutes
On any given night, you may find yourself serenaded by a living mannequin on Sunset Blvd. A Gulf War veteran, motorcycle gang member, stockbroker, chimney sweep, inventor, musician, and brilliant performer, we ha...
Far Off Sounds Ep 12 - Hollerin'
Directed by Jacob Hurwitz-Goodman and Nick George • Documentary • 2018 • 8 minutes
First held in 1969 in Spivey’s Corner, North Carolina, the annual National Hollerin’ Contest is a daylong celebration of Southern cultural heritage and preservation of an archaic means of long distance communicat...