Forgiving Dr. Mengele
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
1h 19m
Directed by Bob Hercules & Cheri Pugh • Documentary • With Eva Mozes Kor, Sami Adwan, Dan Bar-On, Michael Berenbaum, Albert H. Friedlander • 2007 • 82 minutes
Eva Kor and her twin sister were victims of the infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who conducted sadistic experiments on human beings at Auschwitz concentration camp. Haunted ever since by these cruel acts, something even more shocking occurs: Eva finds the power to forgive him. Having finally liberated herself from her feelings of rage and victimhood, she becomes a tireless advocate of this new way of healing - but not everyone is ready to forgive the unforgivable.
"Impossible not to be moved! Surprisingly uplifting!"- The New York Times
"Its subject ennobles!" - Chicago Tribune
Up Next in International Holocaust Remembrance Day
About Executing Eichmann
Directed by Florence Jammot • Documentary • 2014 • 60 minutes
On December 15, 1961 in Jerusalem, Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death for crimes against the Jewish people and against humanity. While this judgment was met with consensus on a national level, some spoke out against it. On May 29, ...
When Memory Comes: A Film About Saul ...
Directed by Frank Diamand • Documentary • 2012 • 65 minutes
WHEN MEMORY COMES: A FILM ABOUT SAUL FRIEDLANDER is a visually arresting documentary that interweaves leading Holocaust historian Saul Friedlander's personal story of survival with an introduction to his work and thought.
Originally a ...
Harbour of Hope
Directed by Magnus Gertten • Documentary • With Irene Krausz-Fainman • 2013 • 76 minutes
In Spring 1945 Red Cross liberated thousands of concentration camp survivors and rescued them to the Malmö Harbour, Sweden. Among the thousands of survivors brought to Malmö were Irene Krausz-Fainman, Ewa Ka...