The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 3
The Adventurers of Modern Art (series)
Directed by Amelie Harrault & Valerie Loiseleux • Documentary • 2020 • 51 minutes
Episode 3: Paris Capital of the World
On being released from the hospital, Apollinaire discovers what life is like in Paris during the war. In Montparnasse, foreign artists - most of whom are Jewish, having fled the anti-Semitism of Eastern Europe - are dying of hunger. They form the School of Paris.
Soutine, the poorest of the Russian artists, strikes up a friendship with Modigliani, the handsomest of the Italians. In 1917, Apollinaire stages a performance his play Les Mamelles de Tirésias using the subheading “surrealist drama.”
The word “surrealist” is born. It catches on, becoming common currency in art circles around the globe. One year later, Apollinaire succumbs to the Spanish flu. Modigliani passes away on January 24, 1920. His funeral, attended by all the artists of Montparnasse, brings the age of bohemianism to a definitive end.
Up Next in The Adventurers of Modern Art (series)
The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 4
Directed by Amelie Harrault & Valerie Loiseleux • Documentary • 2020 • 51 minutes
Episode 4: The Enchanters of Montparnasse
The war has ended, and the streets erupt in celebration. Montparnasse swings to the rhythms of jazz and hops to the buzz of lively cafés. Paris is a movable feast. Con...
The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 5
Directed by Amelie Harrault & Valerie Loiseleux • Documentary • 2020 • 53 minutes
Episode 5: Libertad!
The interwar period is significant for its tumults of enthusiasm and illusion. Communism is a tempting alternative, and the desire for social, moral, artistic, and political revolution han...
The Adventurers of Modern Art - Ep 6
Directed by Amelie Harrault & Valerie Loiseleux • Documentary • 2020 • 52 minutes
Episode 6: Midnight in Paris
World War II erupts, and France mobilizes its war effort. After the debacle of June 1940 and the Occupation of Nazi Germany, Europe is in tatters, and artists and intellectuals fle...