1h 10m
Directed by Jim Finn • Drama / Faux Documentary • With Nandini Khaund, Gorav Milos, Dean DeMatteis, Jim Finn, Ruediger van den Boom • 2006 • 71 minutes
“A retro gust of Communist utopianism… weaves together lovingly faked archival footage, charmingly undermotivated musical numbers, propagandistic maxims (“Capitalism is like a kindergarten of boneless children”), stop-motion animation (of a suitably crude GDR-era level), a Teutonic (and vaguely Herzogian) voiceover, and a superb garage-y- Kraut-rock score (by Jim Becker and Colleen Burke). Finn’s deadpan is immaculately bone-dry, and his antiquarian fastidiousness is worthy of Guy Maddin.” – Denis Li, The Village Voice
“A colorful portrait of an imagined time where movies and space travel were happy, bubbly things.” – Jason Silverman, Wired