Food for Thought - Tasting Qualities - Ep. 5
Regarding Buddhism
Directed by Martijn Tervoort • Documentary • With Shalini Sinha • 2019 • 35 minutes
The students talk with Buddhist philosopher Shalini Sinha, who discusses how people work to change the world around them. Professor Sinha argues for looking at the qualities of a person rather than their ego, thereby emphasizing connection to the people and world around them rather than isolation as individuals. Challenging the dichotomy between the individual and the world, the group thinks through the implications for working collectively to enact change.
Up Next in Regarding Buddhism
Food for Thought - Cooking with Commi...
Directed by Martijn Tervoort • Documentary • With Peter D. Hershock • 2019 • 35 minutes
The students talk with philosopher Peter Hershock, who approaches questions of consciousness from a Buddhist perspective. Professor Hershock argues that the thought process constitutes a sixth sense, the same...
Jai Bhim Comrade
Directed by Anand Patwardhan • Documentary • 2012 • 168 minutes
For thousands of years India’s Dalits were abhorred as “untouchables,” denied education and treated as bonded labour. By 1923 Bhimrao Ambedkar broke the taboo, won doctorates abroad and fought for the emancipation of his people. He ...
A New Old Play
Directed by QIU Jiongjiong • Drama • With Tao Gu, Yi Sicheng • 2022 • 180 minutes
Jiongjiong Qiu’s visually magnificent new film is a unique hybrid of fiction, historical reminiscence, and experimental theatre. Its overview of China from the 1930s to the 1980s is filtered through Qiu Yu, a Sichu...