The Ritchie Boys
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
1h 33m
Directed by Christian Bauer • Documentary • 2004 • 90 minutes
The Ritchie Boys is the riveting, untold story of a group of young men who fled Nazi Germany and returned as soldiers in U.S. uniforms. They knew the psychology and the language of the enemy better than anyone. In Camp Ritchie, Maryland, they were trained in intelligence and psychological warfare. Determined, bright, and inventive, they fought their own kind of war; they were victors, not victims.
Up Next in International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Forgiving Dr. Mengele
Directed by Bob Hercules & Cheri Pugh • Documentary • With Eva Mozes Kor, Sami Adwan, Dan Bar-On, Michael Berenbaum, Albert H. Friedlander • 2007 • 82 minutes
Eva Kor and her twin sister were victims of the infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who conducted sadistic experiments on human being...
About Executing Eichmann
Directed by Florence Jammot • Documentary • 2014 • 60 minutes
On December 15, 1961 in Jerusalem, Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death for crimes against the Jewish people and against humanity. While this judgment was met with consensus on a national level, some spoke out against it. On May 29, ...
When Memory Comes: A Film About Saul ...
Directed by Frank Diamand • Documentary • 2012 • 65 minutes
WHEN MEMORY COMES: A FILM ABOUT SAUL FRIEDLANDER is a visually arresting documentary that interweaves leading Holocaust historian Saul Friedlander's personal story of survival with an introduction to his work and thought.
Originally a ...