Food & Agriculture

Food & Agriculture

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Food & Agriculture
  • Keepers of the Future

    Directed by Avi Lewis • Documentary • 2018 • 24 minutes

    In a fertile floodplain in El Salvador, where the great river meets the sea, a peasant movement puts down roots — growing resilience in the scorched earth of exile and civil war. But soon these farmers and fishing folk discover new challeng...

  • Let Them Eat Dirt

    Directed by Rivkah Beth Medow, Brad Marshland • Documentary • 2019 • 57 minutes

    Allergies, obesity, asthma, diabetes, auto-immune and intestinal disorders are all on the rise, with the incidence of some diseases doubling every ten years. New research points to changes in the ecosystem of microbe...

  • Lunch Love Community

    Directed by Helen De Michiel • Documentary • 2015 • 78 minutes

    LUNCH LOVE COMMUNITY is a beautiful and engaging story of how a diverse group of pioneering parents and food advocates came together to tackle food reform and food justice in the schools and neighborhoods of Berkeley, CA.

    Through a ...

  • Mina's Recipe Book

    Directed by Anne Georget • Documentary • 2007 • 45 minutes

    More than 40 years ago, the phone rang in Anny Stern's New York City home. It was a man she didn't know, calling to giver her a notebook. Covered in brown paper, its pages hand-sewn together, this was no ordinary notebook. It was one in ...

  • Modern Life

    Directed by Raymond Depardon • Documentary • 2014 • 83 minutes

    Photographer and filmmaker Raymond Depardon is renowned for his documentation of the French countryside. In Modern Life he casts an affectionate and irreverent eye on a small community of farmers as they are confronted by the problem...

  • Our Daily Bread

    Directed by Nikolaus Geyrhalter • Documentary • 2005 • 92 minutes

    OUR DAILY BREAD reveals the little-known world of high-tech agriculture. In a series of visually stunning, continuously tracking, wide-screen images that seem right out of a science-fiction movie, we see the places where food is c...

  • Our Blood is Wine

    Directed by Emily Railsback • Documentary • With Jeremy Quinn, Ramaz Nikoladze, Giorgi Natenadze, Mariam Iosebidze, Luarsab Togonidze • 2018 • 78 minutes

    Filmmaker Emily Railsback and award-winning sommelier Jeremy Quinn provide intimate access to rural family life in the Republic of Georgia as ...

  • Oyster

    Directed by Kim Beamish • Documentary • 2019 • 80 minutes

    OYSTER captures the daily routines, chaos and drama in the lives of Dom and Pip Boyton, a lively and hard-working second generation oyster farming family on Merimbula Lake on the southeast coast of New South Wales, Australia.

    The film wa...

  • The Raw and the Cooked: A Culinary Journey Through Taiwan

    Directed by Monika Treut • Documentary • With Robin Winkler, Pannai, Huan-ru Ke, Heng-hong Liu, Raymond Wu, Nabu, Fu-yu Wang Ladibisse, Joy Hui-yi Hu, Sumi • 84 minutes

    Taiwan is known around the world as having one of the most diverse cuisines in Asia, and food is the foremost passion of its 23...

  • Red Persimmons

    Directed by Shinsuke Ogawa, Peng Xiaolian • Documentary • 2001 • 90 minutes

    The ostensible subject of this remarkably beautiful film is the growing, drying, peeling and packaging of persimmons in the tiny Japanese village of Kaminoyama. The inhabitants explain that it is the perfect combination ...

  • Raw Herring

    Directed by Leonard Retel Helmrich & Hetty Naaijkens - Retel Helmrich • Documentary • 2013 • 85 minutes

    Fished for over a thousand years, the Hollandse Nieuwe (Dutch New Herring) is a phenomenon that has become a national cultural icon. More recently, the Dutch herring fleet has lost a great dea...

  • Sacred Cod

    Directed by Steve Liss, Andy Laub, David Abel • Documentary • 2017 • 65 minutes

    For centuries, cod was like gold, driving men to extremes. Cod were so abundant in the waters off New England that fishermen used to say they could walk across the Atlantic on the backs of them, and generations of me...

  • Seed Battles

    Directed by Kees Brouwer • Documentary • 2014 • 50 minutes

    Hidden deep inside a massive mountain in inhospitable Spitsbergen, Norway, is the most important vault in the world: the Global Seed Vault. It is 20 degrees below zero and the vault is able to withstand earthquakes, floods, missile attac...

  • Seeds of Hunger

    Directed by Yves Billy and Richard Prost • Documentary • 2008 • 52 minutes

    Today more than three billion people worldwide suffer from malnutrition, including one billion who are starving. Filmed in Africa, China, Latin America and the U.S., SEEDS OF HUNGER examines issues involved in creating su...

  • Step Up To The Plate

    Directed by Paul Lacoste • Documentary • With Michel Bras, Sébastien Bras • 2012 • 87 minutes

    French chef Michel Bras, one of the most influential chefs in the world, has decided to hand over his renowned 3-Michelin-Star restaurant to his son Sébastien. Having worked with his father for 15 years...

  • Streit's: Matzo and the American Dream

    Directed by Michael Levine • Documentary • 2016 • 83 minutes

    For more than 90 years, the Streit’s matzo factory sat in a low-slung tenement building on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. While other matzo companies modernized, Streit’s remained a piece of living history, churning out 40 percent of the...

  • Soul of a Banquet

    Directed by Wayne Wang • Documentary • 2014 • 78 minutes

    Director Wayne Wang (THE JOY LUCK CLUB) takes us into the world of Cecilia Chiang, the woman who introduced America to authentic Chinese food. Chiang opened her internationally renowned restaurant The Mandarin in 1961 in San Francisco and ...

  • Tierralismo

    Directed by Alejandro Ramirez Anderson • Documentary • 2013 • 49 minutes

    On the outskirts of Havana, sandwiched between highways and public housing, a revolution is taking place. Here, in the district of Alamar, a 26-acre farming co-op provides employment for dozens of workers, while producing v...

  • The Time of Forests

    Directed by François-Xavier Drouet • Documentary • 2018 • 103 minutes

    As the symbol of authentic, preserved wild nature, forests are undergoing an unprecedented phase of industrialization. Heavy mechanization, monoculture, fertilizers and pesticides, loss of traditional know-how, forest manageme...

  • Thinking Existenz - Ep 08 - Vandana Shiva

    Directed by Graça Castanheira • Documentary • With Vandana Shiva • 2013 • 30 minutes

    Ten personalities from diverse social and geographical backgrounds reflect on the world and its future. A portrait in multiple voices of contemporary reality, revealing the deep connections that exist between ou...

  • The Trouble with Bread

    Directed by Maggie Beidelman • Documentary • 2014 • 27 minutes

    Michael Pollan (author of "Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation") told the filmmaker, Maggie Beidelman, that her gluten intolerance could all be in her head. She half agreed with him, because the number of Americans buying int...

  • Weather The Storm

    Directed by Charles Menzies and Jennifer Rashleigh • Documentary • 2008 • 36 minutes

    In today's global economy, the world's ocean resources are being hit hard. Enormous industrial 'floating factories' follow the fish wherever they are abundant, and move on when they have plundered the fish stock...

  • What's For Dinner?

    Directed by Jian Yi • Documentary • 2013 • 29 minutes

    Meat is now central to billions of people's daily meals. The environmental, climate, public health, ethical, and human impacts are enormous and remain largely undocumented. 'What's For Dinner?' explores this terrain in fast-globalizing China ...